Roller girl
Roller girl
  • 저자 : by Victoria Jamieson
  • 출판사 : Dial Books for Young Readers
  • 발행연도 : 2015
  • ISBN : 9780803740167
  • 자료실 : [일원] 자료실
  • 청구기호 : 수 843-J32r
<일원라온영어도서관 9~10월 북큐레이션_The Adventurer's Guide>
모험과 발견에 관련된 도서 추천_라온영어도서관 동아리 추천도서


줄거리 소개
'롤러 더비'라는 스포츠를 통해 아이들이 성장해 나가는 이야기랍니다.
가족, 친구와 갈등을 겪으며 서로를 이해하고 해결하는 과정을 다룬답니다.

For most of her twelve years, Astrid has done everything with her best friend Nicole. But after Astrid falls in love with roller derby and signs up for derby camp, Nicole decides to go to dance camp instead. And so begins the most difficult summer of Astrid's life as she struggles to keep up with the older girls at camp, hang on to the friend she feels slipping away, and cautiously embark on a new friendship. As the end of summer nears and her first roller derby bout (and junior high!) draws closer, Astrid realizes that maybe she is strong enough to handle the bout, a lost friendship, and middle school in short, strong enough to be a roller girl.